Sunday, 9 June 2013


I have just read a very disturbing article in The Australian newspaper dated June 8-9 2013.
Here are some excerpts from the article written by Greg Sheridan the foreign editor.
45,000 boat-people have arrived in Australia since late 2008.
It is the greatest single disaster of the Gillard Government.
This policy failure threatens to overwhelm and contaminate Australia's entire immigration programme and may change the nature of Australian society.
This financial year we will reach 25,000 by the end of June.
If the new norm is 3,000 a month the annual rate will be 36,000.
The three chief source countries are Iran, Afghanistan and Iraq.
This boat-people phenomenon is essentially a determined Muslim immigration.

Assume that 40,000 of those who have arrived are Muslim, mostly low skilled and with limited English. Assume that each one is responsible for one family reunion immigrant. That is a cohort, so far, of 80,000 low skilled Muslims with poor English predominately from countries that have the most radical and extreme jihadist traditions in the world.

Immigration figures released last year revealed that five years after arrival the rate of employment - not unemployment - of Afghans was 9 per cent. 94 per cent of Afghan households received Centerlink payments. From Iraq 93 per cent of families received Centerlink payments.

We are allowing, indeed attracting, a huge cohort of unskilled Muslim immigrants who have not been chosen by Australian policy or process, but there are almost no unskilled jobs available.

My comments regarding the above.
We must confront this situation head on and do something about it NOW.
If we don't we will surely face a future of disaffected, unemployed, people who are a major drain on our welfare system. This will be to the detriment of our society, culture and future prosperity.

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