Tuesday, 8 September 2015


Some questions that need answers.
1. Why do young men outnumber others 9 to 1
2. Why does the media always just show scenes of the very few mothers and children in the crowd.
3. Why don't these people  stay in places like Turkey where they are safe and amongst fellow       Muslims.
4. How many refugees have Qatar, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia and other rich oil states taken. The answer is 0. WHY?
5. Why when asked do they invariable say they want 'a better life'. If refugees why don't they say, 'to be safe'.
6. Where are all the mothers, sisters, daughters and other female family members? If they have left them behind to face 'danger and persecution' are they not cowards in fleeing themselves or have no regard for females?
7. How can the Europeans be sure that amongst all these thousands of unscreened so called refugees there are not many radicals who have arrived to do them harm.

I am sure that any person truly looking at these events and ignoring the media hype will also have many questions.

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